Home Latest news Formal meeting and discussion in MC “RareDis”

Formal meeting and discussion in MC “RareDis”

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12968717_10207980748610475_475910270_nOn April 11, 2016 in the Medical center “RareDis” was held an official meeting with Professor, Dr. Aspazija Sofijanova – director of the university pediatric clinic in Macedonia.

The discussion began by familiarization with of the activity of the Bulgarian association for promotion of education and science, Information centre for rare diseases and orphan drugs, the Centre for health technology assessment and analysis and Medical center “RareDis.” The extensive presentation described the EU criteria to tackle rare diseases, the extremely important development of the European reference networks and the specialized health care facilities for patients with rare diseases. A discussion was held with a medical specialist from the  medical center “RareDis”  with topics on physiotherapy and rehabilitation for patients with rare diseases.

The discussion gave a good start of cooperation in the field of rare diseases with Macedonia.

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