Takayasu’s arteritis (TA) is well-known yet rare disorder, defined as a chronic large vessel vasculitis mainly involving the aorta and its major branches. A case of 51-year-old female patient who is admitted at the Clinic of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology is presented. During hospitalization, a sudden onset of intense chest pain occurres, followed by a development of heart failure to the level of cardiogenic shock. Electrocardiography shows signs of ST-elevated myocardial infarction (STEMI) of the anterior wall, and an increase in cardiospecific enzymes. CT angiography indicated an occlusion of the left common carotid artery (ACC), subclavian and axillary arteries as well as a penetrating aortic ulcer localized infrarenal. In the further course of treatment, left-sided weakness of the body is registered. Head CT scan shows an acute ischemic lesion high parietal on the right, as well as a chronic ischemic lesion on the front right. Final diagnosis of Takayasu arteritis is established and corticosteroids is included in the therapy. This disease should be considered in female patients who present with chronic inflammation and acute coronary syndrome. Read the full article here.
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