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Advertising policy

by admin

There is currently no advertising or sponsored content on the ICRDOD website.

When providing quality health information, education and news to our users, we do not permit and do not use health-related advertising on our site. We do not allow outside advertisers to affect the quality or accuracy of information on our site, and we maintain a stringent policy of editorial independence. ICRDOD does not endorse any products. We maintain complete editorial independence with respect to our content in every circumstance. We do not permit advertisers or other third-party sponsors to make changes to the website content.

We do not accept advertising that is false, misleading, ineffective, dangerous, or for firearms, alcohol, tobacco, and pornographic products or websites. We do not provide or sell any information to a third party that would allow it to identify a person’s individual medical circumstances or conditions. ICRDOD does not accept “advertorials”. Advertorials are articles provided by sponsors with the sole purpose of promoting a product or service. However, news or articles on www.raredis.org may link out to off-site advertorials company websites, that www.raredis.org has no control over. Our site www.raredis.org occasionally shares anonymous aggregate statistical information regarding site usage and traffic with public. This information cannot be linked to individual users and is entirely anonymous.


Last modification: 14:01 16.01.2011

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