Home Featured posts XVI National Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs

XVI National Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs

by informer

For the 16th consecutive year, the Institute for Rare Diseases is organizing the National Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs – the most significant forum in Bulgaria dedicated to improving the diagnosis, treatment, and care for rare diseases. Since its inception, the conference has consistently brought together medical professionals, medical students, patients, representatives of health authorities, and the pharmaceutical industry to discuss current challenges and opportunities in the field.

This year, the event will place a special focus on access to innovations – from new methods for genetic diagnostics and personalized medicine to the introduction of modern technologies for patient condition monitoring. The program includes scientific sessions as well as interactive workshops aimed at sharing practical experience and best practices.

Join us at the upcoming National Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs to become part of the most dynamic community in this field and contribute to achieving significant results in the fight against rare diseases. Your participation is key to ensuring better diagnostic and treatment options for people affected by rare diseases in our country.

Venue: Imperial Plovdiv Hotel

Abstract submission deadline: August 1, 2025

For contact with the organizing committee: congress@raredis.org

Additional information can be found at: XVI NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RARE DISEASES AND ORPHAN DRUGS – Virtual Congress Center

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