Home Latest news World orphan drug congress 2016, USA

World orphan drug congress 2016, USA

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13036502_10208048118054669_443405095_oOn April 20- 22 in Washington – the US, was held the World orphan drug congress 2016. in which Prof. Dr. Rumen Stefanov, MDq PhD chairman of Bulgarian Association for Promotion of Education and Science, took part as a speaker.

The World congress for orphan drugs is the largest global event in the field of orphan drugs and rare diseases. The event is conceptualized to provide a platform for pharma and biotech to come together and discuss ways to expedite orphan drug access to rare disease patients. The purpose – access for patients with rare diseases to orphan drugs and treatment. Through lectures, interactive discussions and seminars, this event has the task to deal with the most important challenges facing orphan drugs and the industry dedicated to rare diseases.

The lectures held at the conference affect fundamental topics such as:

– Discovery, optimization and manufacturing of the medicines for rare diseases;

– Patients’ rights and working with patients who participate in the testing of drugs for rare diseases;

– Providing information and minimizing the risk for the patients in the ongoing treatment.

More information about the event can be found here.

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