Home Events Health technology assessment workshop

Health technology assessment workshop

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18237292_lThe Institute for Rare Diseases and the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University of Plovdiv are organising a health technology assessment workshop, which will be held on 17-18 October 2015 at the Ramada Plovdiv Trimontium Hotel in Plovdiv.
Funding of treatment with innovative therapies in Bulgaria is expected to undergo substantial changes in 2016. In this context, the training seminar aims to build up understanding of the role of health technology assessment and different tools for access to innovative therapies. Leading British experts will discuss patient access schemes in the UK. Paul Kind, a Professor of Health Outcome Measurement in the Academic Unit of Health Economics within the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences will be a keynote speaker. Professor Kind is a founder member and past-President of the EuroQoL Group, a multinational research cooperative responsible for the development of EQ-5D and currently serves as a member of its Scientific Executive. For further information and registration, please contact info@raredis.org.

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