Home Latest news Quarterly prescriptions for drugs for rare diseases

Quarterly prescriptions for drugs for rare diseases

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Pituitary Association has reported that from May 15, 2013 new quarterly prescriptions for drugs for patients with rare diseases come into force. Until now, patients had to visit their GP each month in order to obtain a month prescription for medications, covered by the National Health Insurance Fund. Quarterly prescriptions will now facilitate both patients and doctors, who will be able to prescribe medications for up to 90 days. New prescriotions have three forms – A, B and C. Each of them displays the date on which the patient has to go to the pharmacy to buy drugs. This has to be done on three occasions. Each form is executed according to the date of issuance – up to 15 days for form A, 30 to 45 days for form B, and 60 to 75 days for form C.

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