Home Latest news Rare Diseases Day 2010

Rare Diseases Day 2010

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Rare Disease Day 2010 will be officially celebrated on 28 February 2010. European patient platform EURORDIS launched this initiative in 2008 to acquaint the European society with the problem, called “rare disease”. A term that is accompanied by delays in diagnosis, insufficient information and lack of treatment. A reality for more than 25 million Europeans, the vast majority of whom are children. These people are particularly isolated and vulnerable as their condition is seriously endangering their lives or leading to a chronic progressive disability with high complexity. This year the day will pass under the slogan “Patients and Researchers – Partners for Life” and will be celebrated in over 30 countries (EU, USA, China, Japan, Canada, Australia and Brazil). Organizers for Bulgaria are the National Alliance of People with Rare Diseases and the Information Center for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs.

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